DRILL THINK HIGH HANDS As you swing the club to the top, lift your hands so they are as high as you can reach. There should be significant separation between your hands and your head when the club gets all the way back. Jack Nicklaus used to have great separation at the top. This move will make your swing plane more vertical. | | DRILL GO DOWN AFTER IT As Tiger Woods swings down into the ball, he increases his spine angle by bending over more than he did at the start of the swing. In other words, he really goes down after the ball. If that bend-over move is too daunting, you can bend more at address or during the backswing for the same benefit of a steeper swing. | | DRILL FOLLOW THROUGH TO THE INSIDE Vijay Singh never lets his arms extend too far away from his body during the downswing. This allows him to swing back inside the target line on the follow-through. To hone this move, put an empty plastic bottle just outside your target line ahead of the ball and hit drives without touching the bottle. You'll have to swing to the inside. |