A tribute to Ben Hogan - Hit it low, hit it high Created on 12/1/2007 12:00:00 AM
A tribute to Ben Hogan
Hogan always said to bring the ball in low to back pins. Imagine a pane of glass that wraps around your body just below your shoulders. To hit a low shot, your club should go back and through below the pane of glass. The feeling is that you're swinging around your body. This shallow angle of attack will produce a low, boring ball flight.
Hit it low

For front pins, Hogan said to bring it in high. To hit a higher shot, use the same imagery of a pane just below your shoulders. In this case, the top of the backswing and the finish should be high enough to stay above the glass. This creates a steep angle of approach into the ball, allowing you to hit down sharply and send the ball higher in the air.
Hit it high

Golf Digest December 2007
